

There are currently 417 images in the gallery which was last updated on 28 January 2014. Click on a picture to take a closer look or right-click to view it full-size in a new window:

Soviet CO grouped behind a knocked-out T-55 tank (10mm scale) Soviet T-10 heavy tanks on the advance (10mm scale) The Soviets during the Cold War (10mm scale) British during the Cold War (10mm scale) Americans advance during the Cold War (10mm scale) USMC in the 1st Gulf War (15mm scale) Italian battlegroup, 1940-41, France, Balkans and USSR by Dmitriy (15mm scale)
North Korean ambush, 1950 (20mm scale) Israeli M60s with custom-made ERA by SteveB (15mm scale) Berkeley Boot Camp 2013 (6mm scale) Berkeley Boot Camp 2013 (6mm scale) Arctic Strike 2013! (6mm scale) Arctic Strike 2013! (6mm scale) Arctic Strike 2013! (6mm scale)
Arctic Strike 2013! (6mm scale) Arctic Strike 2013! (6mm scale) Arctic Strike 2013! (6mm scale) Arctic Strike 2013! (6mm scale) West German command stand by Andy.T (6mm scale) West German command stand by Andy.T (6mm scale) Israeli command stand by Andy.T (6mm scale)
Israeli command stand by Andy.T (6mm scale) Israeli command stand by Andy.T (6mm scale) A BKC supplement is in the works to cover this new craze: Girls'n'Panzer! (15mm scale) 1/300 German Battlegroup by WarPainter (6mm scale) 1/300 German Battlegroup by WarPainter (6mm scale) 1/300 German Battlegroup by WarPainter (6mm scale) 1/300 British Battlegroup by WarPainter (6mm scale)
1/300 British Battlegroup by WarPainter (6mm scale) 1/300 British Battlegroup by WarPainter (6mm scale) Cold War Commander in action at the Grimsby Club (6mm scale) Innovative use of counters and map to play BlitzkriegCommander German Battlegroup by Robert (10mm scale) US Battlegroup by Robert (10mm scale) Brigade Models PacFed Battlegroup by Pablo '66' (6mm scale)
Brigade Models Eurofed Battlegroup by Pablo '66' (6mm scale) Brigade Models CDSU Battlegroup by Pablo '66' (6mm scale) Dug-in Pzkpfw III by Craig (15mm scale) Polish armoured train in action (15mm scale) Polish armoured train in action (15mm scale) la Drang, Operation Silver Bayonet, November 14, 1965 (20mm scale) Futuristic armoured fighting vehicles from MicroWorld Games (6mm scale)
Korkeinville Airfield by Andy (10mm scale) Tiger II tanks by Dave Fowler (10mm scale) Tiger I tanks by Dave Fowler (10mm scale) Panzerjaeger IV Tank Destroyers by Dave Fowler (10mm scale) Panther tanks by Dave Fowler (10mm scale) Late-war BlitzkriegCommander game in progress by Dave Fowler (10mm scale) Late-war BlitzkriegCommander game in progress by Dave Fowler (10mm scale)
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