

Blitzkrieg Commander Description Size Updated Game
BKC-QRS Double-sided quick-reference sheet [84kb] 21-Dec-09 BKC
BKC-Summary Summary page from the book [81kb] 16-Jan-10 BKC
BKC-Campaign The campaign system from BKC [74kb] 15-Jan-10 BKC
BKC-Errata Errata for BKC-II [224kb] 22-Aug-13 BKC
BKC-FAQ BKC Frequently Asked Questions [132kb] 26-Nov-11 BKC
Infantry Organisation Basic infantry unit organisation from Division down to Section [67kb] 22-Nov-08 BKC
Converting OOBs Convert OOBs from other game systems for use with BKC-II [98kb] 30-Jul-10 BKC
AVBCW Lists Background and lists for A Very British Civil War by Nik Harwood [908kb] 23-Oct-11 BKC
AVBCW Campaign A Very Brummie Civil War campaign by Nathan Hardacre [171kb] 31-May-14 BKC
Cold War Commander
CWC-QRS Double-sided quick-reference sheet [83kb] 01-Dec-06 CWC
CWC-FAQ CWC Frequently Asked Questions [133kb] 22-Nov-11 CWC
CWC-Errata Errata for CWC 1st Print, 2006 Edition [138kb] 22-Nov-11 CWC
CWC-Units Additional units for Cold War Commander [102kb] 30-Jan-07 CWC
Soviet Airborne Army List Soviet Airborne, Cold War/Soviet-Afghan War (1946-90) [152kb] 01-Jan-09 CWC
Swedish Army List Swedish Army, Cold War/Modern (1960+) [106kb] 08-Dec-08 CWC
African Army Lists African Army Lists (Jonathan Ely) [89kb] 22-Aug-12 CWC
North Korean Army List North Korean Army, 2011+ (Jonathan Ely) [317kb] 05-Mar-11 CWC
Spanish Army List Spanish Army, Modern [115kb] 28-Feb-09 CWC
Chinese PLA Army List Chinese PLA Army, 1949-89 (Paolo Bussini) [88kb] 03-Aug-13 CWC
Italian Army List Italian Army, 1980s (Paolo Bussini) [77kb] 29-Oct-10 CWC
Yugoslavian Army List Yugoslavian Army, 1980s (Paolo Bussini) [88kb] 29-Oct-10 CWC
1st Gulf War Army Lists Additional army lists for the 1st Gulf War [119kb] 29-Jan-07 CWC
WRG 1979 Army Lists WRG 1979 Army Lists for CWC by Jonathan Smith [425kb] 03-Mar-14 CWC
Orders of Battle, Angola Orders of Battle, Angolan War, 1975-90 [134kb] 01-Nov-07 CWC
The Balkans, 1991-99 Background, rules and lists for the Balkans conflict [741kb] 15-Jan-08 CWC
Afghanistan Campaign Afghanistan Campaign (Matt Curtis) [211kb] 15-Oct-08 CWC
Indo-China Campaign Indo-China Campaign (Jim Ando) [18kb] 09-Aug-08 CWC
Abu Agheila, 1967 The battle for Abu Agheila, 1967 [7.2Mb] 25-Oct-07 CWC
WRG OOBs WRG Orders Of Battle converted to CWC [114kb] 27-Jan-07 CWC
Future War Commander
FWC-QRS Double-sided quick-reference sheet [79kb] 01-Oct-08 FWC
FWC-Summary Summary page from the book [71kb] 16-Jan-10 FWC
FWC-Errata Errata for FWC 1st Print, 2008 Edition [135kb] 27-Dec-11 FWC
FWC-FAQ FWC Frequently Asked Questions [127kb] 25-Nov-11 FWC
FWC-Campaign A campaign system by Steve Price [139kb] 29-Nov-11 FWC
Unit Cost Calculator Calculate the cost of units the easy way! [185kb] 27-Jun-09 FWC
FWC-Custom Lists Suggested miniatures for the custom lists in the book [100kb] 10-Oct-08 FWC
Imperial Assault Group A custom army list for the Imperium by Charlie [38kb] 06-Feb-09 FWC
BattleTech BattleTech Army Lists by Alan Oliver [143kb] 24-Dec-09 FWC
Neo-Soviets Neo Soviet Army List from Brigade Models [53kb] 25-Nov-11 FWC
Power Armour Power Armour Army List from Brigade Models [22kb] 25-Nov-11 FWC
Brigade Models Additions Additional models from Brigade Models [37kb] 25-Nov-11 FWC
Cimexian Army Cimexian Army List for Brigade Models by Mark Fry [197kb] 23-May-13 FWC
Skyth Swarm Skyth Swarm for Dark Realm Miniatures by Mark Fry [141kb] 23-May-13 FWC
Cyber-Undead Army Cyber-Undead Army List for the Necrons by Mark Fry [172kb] 23-May-13 FWC
2nd Prador Kingdom 2nd Prador Kingdom Army List by Mark Fry [231kb] 25-May-13 FWC
Space Pirate Raiders Space Pirate Raiders Army List by Mark Fry [253kb] 23-May-13 FWC
Orbital Combine Army Orbital Combine Army List for Plasmablast Games [219kb] 29-Apr-11 FWC
Progenitor Army Progenitor Army List for Plasmablast Games [231kb] 29-Apr-11 FWC
Shaltari Army Shaltari Army List for DZC [599kb] 19-Jan-15 FWC
Renegade Legion Renegade Legion lists by William F. Butler [9kb] 13-Mar-13 FWC
Lizard Riders Lizard Riders' Army List for Microworld Games miniatures [7kb] 09-Jun-10 FWC
Tale of 3 Bridges A scenario for FWC from Phil [204kb] 03-Oct-09 FWC
First Contact A scenario for FWC from Phil [158kb] 09-Jan-09 FWC
AVBCW, 1938 A Very British Civil War, 1938 (Graham Harrison) [175Kb] 16-Sep-12 BKC
Bir Bagahr, 1941 Bir Bagahr, 1941 (Bart Vetters) [397Kb] 21-Jan-11 BKC
Bir Hakeim, 1942 Bir Hakeim, 1942 (From Vae Victis, French) [3Mb] 04-Sep-10 BKC
Encirclement, 1942 Encirclement, 1942 (From Vae Victis, French) [2Mb] 04-Sep-10 BKC
Kamenewo, 1941 Kamenewo 6-10-41 (Adapted by Peter Ball) [61kb] 02-Mar-10 BKC
The Relief of Vilnius, 1941 The Relief of Vilnius 12-07-44 (Adapted by Peter Ball) [136kb] 02-Mar-10 BKC
Kampf Stachwitz, 1943 Kampf Stachwitz 10-7-43 (Adapted by Peter Ball) [62kb] 02-Mar-10 BKC
Kustrin Corridor Kustrin Corridor, Germany, 1945 (WHGS) [3.6mb] 13-Nov-09 BKC
Battle for Hanover, 1976 The Battle for Hanover, West Germany, 1976 (Pete) [114kb] 08-Oct-08 CWC
Hubert-Folie, 1944 Counter-Attack, Hubert-Folie, 1944 (White Knight Gamesclub) [727kb] 09-Jul-08 BKC
Longa River, 1989 Battle of Longa River, Africa, 1989 (Matt Curtis) [56kb] 30-Nov-07 CWC
Battle of Bergland, 1990 Battle of Bergland, Africa, 1990 (Matt Curtis) [73kb] 31-Oct-07 CWC
Battle of Walvis Bay, 1990 Battle of the Walvis Bay, Africa, 1990 (Matt Curtis) [78kb] 30-Oct-07 CWC
Battle of the Bulge, 1944 Battle of the Bulge, 1944 (Steve Jones) [97kb] 05-Aug-07 BKC
Berlin, 1945 Race for the Reichstag, Berlin, 1945 (Chris Leach) [103kb] 22-Feb-07 BKC
Westkapelle, 1944 Westkapelle, 1944 (Chris Leach) [49kb] 16-Aug-06 BKC
Battle of Wavre, 1944 Battle of Wavre, 1944 (Justo) [624kb] 23-May-06 BKC
Willemsbrug, 1940 Willemsbrug, Holland, 1940 (Mal Wright) [152kb] 28-Feb-06 BKC
Ourthe Valley, 1940 Ourthe Valley, Belgium, 1940 (Mal Wright) [111kb] 14-Feb-06 BKC
Remagen Bridge, 1945 Remagen Bridge, Germany, 1945 (Guys in Spain) [56kb] 26-Jan-06 BKC
37 Assorted Scenarios Scenarios for the UK/USA/USSR (Dan Fraser) [4537kb] 01-Dec-05 BKC
Sollum, 1940 Sollum, Western Desert, 1940 (Mal Wright) [460kb] 31-Aug-05 BKC
Double Surprise, 1941 Double Surprise, 1941 [80kb] 10-Apr-05 BKC
Goodwood, 1944 Goodwood, France, 1944 (Bob Barnetson) [188kb] 28-Feb-05 BKC
Mortain, 1944 Mortain, France, 1944 (Pete Jones) [1089kb] 21-Feb-05 BKC
Hube's Pocket '44 [1 2 3 4] Hube's Pocket, Russia'44 (Dean Kirkpatrick) [467kb] 20-Feb-05 BKC
Sedan 1940 Sedan, France 1940 (Michael Coughlan) [25kb] 29-Dec-04 BKC
Narvik 1940 Narvik, Norway 1940 (Michael Coughlan) [100kb] 17-Dec-04 BKC
Hulkonniemi 1939 Winter War 1939 (Mal Wright) [217kb] 30-Nov-04 BKC
Juno Beach 1944 Canadians, Normandy 1944 (Bob Barnetson) [291kb] 26-Nov-04 BKC
Manchuria 1939 Manchuria, 1939 (Pete Jones) [97kb] 01-Jul-04 BKC
Tables of Organisation & Equipment (TO&Es)
Bayonet Strength Battalion-level organisation covering the major nations of WW2   13-Jul-11 BKC
GHQ Models WW2 organisation charts covering eight nations   13-Jul-11 BKC
GHQ Models Post-WW2 organisation charts covering 38 nations   13-Jul-11 BKC
Leo Niehorster The best organisational books on the German forces of WW2   13-Jul-11 BKC
Micromark Army Lists Detailed WW2 and Cold War lists aimed at the wargamer [407kb] 26-Jan-07 ALL
Scenarios from other games
Battlefront:WWII Lots of scenarios at the 1 stand = 1 squad level 02-Jul-09 BKC
Rapid Fire Various scenarios at the platoon level (use 3 platoons per 8 figures) 02-Jul-09 BKC
Bob Mackenzie Various scenarios at the platoon level 02-Jul-09 BKC
Painting, Modelling, Scenery & Terrain
Painting Guides Painting guides for 1/285 scale miniatures from IntoBattle.com [3.2Mb] 28-Nov-11 BKC
6mm Paper Buildings Print as many buildings as you need! [1.5Mb] 29-Aug-08 ALL
Paper Buildings [1] [2] Paper buildings for the Far-East (Dimitri) [70kb] 01-Dec-05 ALL
20mm Paper Walls 20mm scale paper wall sections (Justo) [159kb] 23-Jan-06 ALL
House Rules
LOS Plateau Hills Alternative line-of-sight rules for plateau hills (Frederic) [97kb] 24-May-12 ALL
Other Downloads
Turn Cards Keep track of turns in your games [7kb] 27-Apr-04 ALL
Template Circular template for artillery & air strikes [5kb] 23-Jun-04 ALL
10mm Scale Miniatures A compatibility guide to the 10mm scale miniatures on the market [61kb] 14-Nov-08 ALL
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